Parallel Parking on Main, Circa 1900

Waynesville’s early dirt roads often frustrated travelers, especially during rainy seasons, as seen in this photograph from the early 1900s. With the birth of the automobile and its rising popularity, local residents pushed for improved roads. In 1905, the town began resurfacing Main Street with bricks.

While motorized transportation brought about road improvements including brick streets, curbs, and sidewalks, residents continued to use yoked oxen and carts as seen here on Main Street. The tree-shaded home in the background was formerly a boardinghouse and is the present-day site of Mast General Store (at 63 N Main St in Waynesville).


Photographs courtesy of Henry Foy, The Haywood County Library Digital Collection

Caption courtesy of Michael Beadle, Waynesville (Images of America)


What do roads look like in Haywood County today?