Cup and Hatchet from Haywood County Fair, 1907

“Another thing I brought of my grandparents, Coman and Lyda Francis, is a little souvenir cup from the Haywood County Fair that they used to have, dated 1907. The cup—it's burgundy and clear crystal at the bottom like a little teacup—is inscribed ‘Mrs. Lyda Francis 1907.’ They were married, as I said, in 1906. Her husband, my grandfather, Coman Francis, had a little hatchet with the same colors: burgundy with a clear head of the hatchet with his name on it, Coman Francis. So I have always held on to those. I've thought those were something to keep as a pair because they're now 115 years old.”

Interview edited for clarity


Submitted by Sharon Shook on July 20, 2022


What do you like to do at the fair?